Bonsai Pruning: Essential Techniques for Healthy Growth

Bonsai Pruning: Essential Techniques for Healthy Growth

Bonsai are miniature trees that are grown in pots. They are an expression of the Japanese art of gardening and are prized for their beauty, longevity and symbolic meaning.

Pruning is an essential part of growing bonsai. It is used to control the growth and shape of the tree, and to promote its health and longevity.

Types of pruning

There are different types of pruning that can be used on bonsai. The main ones are:

  • Formation Pruning: This pruning is used to create the desired shape of the tree. It is carried out during the first years of the bonsai's life, to set the structure of the tree.
  • Maintenance Pruning: This pruning is done regularly to maintain the shape of the tree. It is performed throughout the year, depending on the needs of the tree.
  • Redirect pruning: This pruning is used to redirect branch growth. It is performed when a branch grows in an unwanted direction.
  • Elimination pruning: This pruning is used to eliminate dead, diseased or weak branches. It is done when necessary, to maintain the health of the tree.

Pruning tools

Some specific tools are needed for bonsai pruning. The main ones are:

  • Pruning shears: Pruning shears are used to cut branches and leaves.
  • Hacksaw: The hacksaw is used to cut thicker branches.
  • Miter saw : The cutter is used to cleanly eliminate parts of the branch or trunk, so the plant will be able to heal the wound more easily.

Pruning techniques

There are several pruning techniques that can be used on bonsai. The main ones are:

  • classic pruning: When the branches of the bonsai are shortened, with the aim of strengthening the central part of the bonsai or removing a part or an entire branch with a precise objective.
  • Pollarding: This cut is used to change the apex branch of the plant, by doing so it will be possible to give movement and different shapes to the trunk of the bonsai.
  • Bending cut: This cut is used to bend a very resistant branch and allow it to assume a new position. It is performed with a slow and controlled movement.
  • Splitting Cut: This cut is used to split a trunk or branch. Very often used to create branches or dead parts to enhance the bonsai from an aesthetic point of view and give it a more aged appearance.

When to prune bonsai

Bonsai pruning is generally done during the growing season, which varies depending on the tree species. In general, it is best to prune bonsai in early spring, before new vegetative growth begins.

Pruning is an essential part of growing bonsai. With the right techniques and tools, you can create a healthy and beautiful bonsai that will last for many years.

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